Julie and Julia

January 17, 2010

This  2009 Columbia Pictures film about Julia Child and Julie Powell was a delight and a pleasant surprise. When the film was first released, I had no interest in seeing this film.  Nothing about the story seemed to be much of an interest until I received a copy for my consideration for the SAG awards. Every year I receive DVD’s of the films that are in the running for awards. I view these films then I am able to vote for my pick as a SAG member on who should win each category. It is obviously a collaborate effort by SAG members, but I aways feel honored to be able to pick my favorites and have the vote count.

So, After viewing this film courtesy of Columbia Pictures I changed my mind. It was charming, heartfelt and inspiring.

The performance by Meryl Street as Julia Child was so convincing and well preprared for, that I forgot I was watching a movie performance. She was so lovely and convincing as Julia that it kept me entertained and wanting more even after the credits rolled.

Amy Adams portrays Julie Powell, at the time an unknown ordinary woman living in New York who is searching for a meaning in her life. Searching for something to grab her attention and make her life fuller. Amy does a wonderful job as well as the understated, yet enchanting Julie Powell.

The film cuts back and forth in time and between the two lives of these marvelous women. I was immediatley pulled into the story and these womens lives.

Stanley Tucci, whom I absolutely adore,  is such a marvel to watch. His character work for playing Paul Child was three dimentional and just absolutely a wonder to watch.

Over all I was very happy and somewhat uplifted after viewing this film. I even wanted to get into the kitchen and whip up some masterpiece for my dinner table.

Grade: A


January 16, 2010

This LIONSGATE production, By push pictures copyright 2009 is an astounding yet disturbing look in the realities of living in the harsh environment of parental abuse and neglect.  It covers with taste and depth the growing problem of unwed young mothers, sexual abuse and lack of family or community support.

The performances in this wonderful movie are raw and shocking to say the least.
The new comer, Gabourey Sidibe plays Precious and is absolutely superb. As each frame goes by in the film, the viewer grows more and more enthralled with her. She resonates beauty and strength throughout. We should all be looking to a long career from this woman.

Mo’Nique, who plays Mary, the mother is unbelievably raw and frightening. It was a pleasure to see her break through her normal persona to something so deep and unique that viewers are sure to remember her haunting performance for some time.

Everything from the Script itself, written by Geoffrey Fletcher based on the novel by Sapphire, to the cinematography and editing was top notch and award worthy.

Grade: A +

I do not recommend smaller children watching due to nature of content. Otherwise, Perfect.

Film Reviews for the modern connoisseur.

January 16, 2010

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